A Life Worth Living

God has a plan and purpose for our lives greater than we can ever imagine. The Lord is so purposeful in His dealings with each of us. Sometimes He has to wound us to heal us. There is a deep core of unworthiness that has to be faced with the truth of God’s love and grace. None of us can claim to be worthy because of our own value and worthiness. It is only because of the price that was paid for us that truly makes us worthy. That has to be enough. As long as we strive to be worth loving, we will continue to strive and never arrive. Somehow the enemy has lied to us that we have to be worth loving because of who we are and not because of the price that was paid for us. That has to be settled once and for all. It is a painful process for each one of us but it is a journey we must all take. It leads us to the foot of the cross, where there is true redemption and the full forgiveness and cleansing we so desperately want and need.