We call ourselves the Tanton Tribe...that's basically what we are. We have a lot of times of laughter; our share of crying; and lots of encouraging one another to fight the good fight. When the final count is in, we are there for one another. With 51 years of marriage, three daughters, one son, our share of in-laws and eleven grandchildren, you can only imagine the diversity of gifts and talents, as well as ideas and opinions...but that's what makes a family. Welcome to the Tanton Tribe! Get to know us. I think you will like us...even in our imperfections. That's what makes us REAL...
Speaking of grandchildren, it's almost even. Our little Brooklyn was the tie breaker. 6 girls and 5 boys. For Christmas, all the girls in our family spent a week-end attending the Nutcracker Ballet in Kansas City. Lots of girl fun and laughter...plus lots of memories. It was truly a gift from God.