Meet James and Maria Murunga….

Ten years ago I had no interest in missions…travel was limited within the confines of my state of Kansas…and I was satisfied – that is, until God began opening my eyes and changing my heart. That’s when I met Pastor James Murunga…and later his beautiful wife, Maria. James has traveled from Kenya to the U.S. since the mid-90’s and the Lord has used him mightily in the prophetic realm. I don’t endorse other ministries lightly…too much is at stake…but I highly recommend you avail yourself to any meetings when James is in your area. If you would like to be notified when he is in the States, please feel free to email me at
Maria is an amazingly gifted musician and prophetic teacher as well. She doesn’t travel to the States as often as James but when she does, she is an amazing blessing.
They are based out of Nairobi, Kenya, where they are a mighty force used to rally and unify kingdom leaders and alliances. Their ministry might best be defined by their mission statement: “To mobilize, organize, equip and enable local churches, Christian networks and ministries to fulfill the Great Commission”.